Special thanks to our media partner THNKR who captured all the diy days NYC keynote talks.

Phenomenal Work & Object Addiction
The Internet era has spent two decades talking about the Web as if it were a series of virtual objects. Frequently we let that tie us all up into definitional knots that end up obscuring exactly what had us excited. Over 100 years ago, German philosophers had already asked if there might be another way to think anew. Their concept, phenomenology, went on to revolutionize every artistic and scientific discipline that touched it. And yet, artists in the Internet era have never had a phenomenology movement of their own that asks us to acknowledge that the audience creates the meaning, and that our experiences are central to how we know ourselves. Brian Clark, Founder/CEO of experience design pioneers GMD Studios, lays out what such an art movement might look like and where it might take us.

Brian Clark is a passionate advocate for DIY and entrepreneurial independence. He was a co-founder of indieWIRE, an independent film and music producer, and an evangelist of the power of experience design for working across multiple platforms. He is the co-founder and CEO of GMD Studios, a 19-year-old experience design firm that pursues projects and ventures of their own while also helping to drive innovation in storytelling for major brands like Newscorp, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Ford and Audi. Clark’s old enough to remember having to explain to people what the Internet was and why they should care about it. He lives in New York, but keeps a foot in Orlando (where he’s lived for 14 years).